Taking Stock with Steele

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Taking Stock with Steele is our newsletter where we share our insights and expertise. Our goal is to ensure our clients are well informed. We shift through the noise and only bring important topics of discussion and planning points that are relevant and useful. We believe Knowledge Pays and we want our knowledge to pay for you.

Partly derived from the word ‘plant’, developing a plan is something that you need to start early, let come to fruition, and prune along the way. It is hard to reap what we sow when we skip the sowing part. What’s concerning is that the rate of planning in our society has been in steady decline since the mid-1970s, if Google’s Ngram Viewer is any guide.

Worse yet, the antithesis of planning, improvisation is taking planning’s place.

With all this lack of planning and increased improvisation, we can expect to see a lot more…

Although improvising and panicking appear to be all the rage these days, humans have about 30,000 days of life to live on average, so planning ahead for some of those days could make life a little more enjoyable. Buck the trend and get some planning in!

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